Is Sedation Dentistry Safe for Children?

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe for Children?


There is no denying that sometimes dental visits can bring on a sense of unease, leaving children feeling nervous about their treatment. Thankfully, sedation can help to bring about some comfort so that relaxing comes a bit easier.

While parents know that sedation can help enhance the overall experience, there is always a bit of hesitation — is sedation dentistry safe for children? 

This article explores the types of sedation dentistry used, why they are used, and their level of safety. 

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

For most kids, sedation dentistry is completely safe. It must be noted, however, that the risks are slightly increased when it comes to those who have certain special needs or underlying health issues. 

Before sedation is ever administered, the dental and anesthesia team will review the child’s medical history and address any concerns. 

Commonly Used Sedation for Children

There are several types of sedation used throughout dentistry. 

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas, is the most commonly administered sedation medication in pediatric dentistry. Many kids tend to giggle during the treatment, hence how nitrous gas got its nickname.

This is a gas that is administered through a small mask that fits over the nose. The patient will breathe in through the nose and, within a few minutes, begin to feel more relaxed. These feelings of euphoria will continue only while the gas is flowing.

The patient may be in a lightened state, but they are still completely conscious of what is going on around them — and can communicate as needed. Then, just as quickly as it kicks in, the effects will dissipate when the mask is removed. Very few patients tend to experience any unwanted side effects from this gas.

IV Sedation

Another option to keep kids comfortable during procedures is IV sedation. This is used in pediatric dentistry for individuals who would not otherwise be able to undergo their dental treatment due to age, behavior, or extent of dental treatment needed. Keep in mind that IV sedation is only administered by a highly trained anesthesiologist to minimize any risks. 

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is highly effective for patients of all ages, including kids. But that isn’t the only reason it is used. Check out these benefits of utilizing sedation during dental procedures. 

  • Reduces fear and anxiety and creates a painless experience
  • Allows the child to have their dental procedure completed with ease
  • Enables the dental team to be more thorough and timely especially for children who struggle with dental treatment in a regular dental setting
  • Provides a better overall experience

If you are on the fence about allowing your child to benefit from sedation dentistry, consider the aforementioned benefits. Or, discuss your concerns with your child’s dental team.

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry 

At Marigold Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we work hard to meet the needs of our young patients the best we can. For some, that may mean taking advantage of sedation dentistry. We work with Concierge Sedation Associates, a group of board certified physician anesthesiologists who ensure your child will have a smooth and easy experience.

If you are interested in learning more about it, give us a call at 973-821-7161.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my child remember the dental procedure if sedated? 

It depends on the type of sedation used. Most often, with nitrous oxide, children will remember as they remain conscious throughout the procedure. IV sedation puts the patient into a twilight-type sleep and may not allow them to recollect the event. 

What is the safest method of dental sedation? 

Nitrous oxide is one of the safest methods of dental sedation available.